Meet our Team Members

11 results found.
Michael Hoyt, PhD

Director, IISBR

Professor of Population Health & Disease Prevention

Director of the Biobehavioral Shared Resource, UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Michael Hoyt, PhD
Ephie Bakou
Ephie Bakou

IISBR Administrator

Ephie Bakou
Michael Chang

IISBR Laboratory Manager

Michael Chang
Michelle Fortier, PhD

Professor, Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing

Michelle Fortier, PhD
Douglas A. Granger, PhD

Founding Director, IISBR

Professor Emeritus, Psychological Science

Douglas A. Granger, PhD
Kate Kuhlman, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychological Science

Kate Kuhlman, PhD
Jenna Riis, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

Jenna Riis, PhD
Elizabeth Thomas, PhD

Operational Director, IISBR
Visiting Associate Researcher, Neurobiology & Behavior

Elizabeth Thomas, PhD
Kristina Uban
Kristina Uban, PhD

Assistant Professor, Public Health
Fellow, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM)

Kristina Uban, PhD
Illona Yim, PhD

Professor, Psychological Science

Illona Yim, PhD
Alyson K. Zalta, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychological Science
Fellow, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM)

Alyson K. Zalta, PhD