Call for Applications: UC Intercampus Consortium on Health Psychology Seed Grant Funding

Types of Awards:

• Cross-campus faculty team awards: 2 – 3 awards, up to $10,000 each.
• Cross-campus trainee team awards: 4 – 5 awards, up to $2,000 each.

Each UC campus has considerable, nationally-renowned expertise in key research domains related to understanding and cultivating resilience, which refers to withstanding, recovering, and even thriving psychologically and physically in the face of adversity. Such research domains include different types of adversities (early life adversity, life-threatening medical conditions, acute traumatic events, chronic stress), biobehavioral mechanisms, and resources (individual, social, cultural, and behavioral and cognitive skills).

The deadline for the final 2017 cycle is February 17, 2017 at 11:59 PM.